Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Jumpy jumpy

Had another amazing jumping lesson today! I started with a 2ft warmup which, although small, makes me pleased we're now jumping bigger warm up jumps. Cara then put up a triple bounce, one stride then another jump. We bounced through them multiple times trying to get it right but she wasn't using her back legs enough and so was brushing the jumps and knocking them. She made me get a really bouncey canter instead of letting her go fast and flat. The best we did was a triple bounce (all about 2ft) then a straight of just under 3ft one stride after. It felt brilliant and she flew it!

Cara then made it into a double but put 2 poles meeting at the middle of each jump in a V shape to make her jump higher rather than flatter. She told me to be ready for her to stop because it was something new but I was determined to ride her through it and she popped through no problem! She really snapped her little legs up and again it felt great :) We were both melting by the end of it but she really seemed to be enjoying it bless her.

I've bought a new saddle off ebay this evening so hopefully it will arrive soon. It's the poshest saddle I'll have ever had, really hope it fits well!!

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