Sunday 7 March 2010

Bit of background info..

Saffy is the most wonderful horse in the world. She has just turned 6, is a part-bred appaloosa and stands at almost 14.1hh. I have owned her since 31st July 2008. She came from a dealer and had just been backed and ridden away. Unfortunately I had to put her out on loan 6 months after getting her but she came back to me 9 months later and now she's staying with mummy forever.

So far she has come on from a funny looking little baby who was scared of men/headcollars/saddles/rugs to an adventurous little madam who tries her brave little heart out. We just started lessons together a few weeks ago and since then she has come on in leaps and bounds. I am working on getting her to work in more of an outline at the moment now she is moving forward properly. I am also focussing on accurate transitions and getting her to soften in halt. Finally, she is learning to jump. I'm taking it slowly so she doesn't get bored with anything and she's coming on wonderfully.

In the last few months we have done some interdressage tests and she has had pleasing scores, our best so far being 64%. My next aim for interdressage is to get a score above 65%.

She had her first show last weekend which went brilliantly. She behaved excellently and didn't bat an eyelid at anything. Took everything in her stride. We got 4th (out of 4 but 6 started the class and had to leave because their ponies were playing up) in equitation, 4th (out of 8!! very pleased!) in ridden showing and 6th (out of 7) in ridden coloured (she was tired by this time but still behaved well). Now she's seen what it's like we can aim to perform better every time we go.

Today I jumped her properly for the first time in a while and she loved it. By the end she was popping 2ft6 quite easily and giving it plenty of air so again, very pleased with her. My aim as far as jumping is concerned is to get round a small clear round course by the end of May. I also have an irrational fear of cantering upto jumps (god knows why!) so I want to crack that.

Finally, I intend to do a lot more hacking to get her muscles built up and to get her used to being out of the school. My confidence isn't great in that area so building it up is another goal.

That's all for now! Here's to the summer...

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